Friday, May 2, 2008

Call of Duty 4

this is a game i got for christmas that i didnt really get to enjoi until after the new year (due to photography demands)... but yes... this is a game is the fourth installment for the series (and best IMO)... this game is similar to any other wartime shooter game... however its the AI, multiplayer, and weapons i love most in this...

after playing CoD3 on wii this game feels like god pooped this one out himself... man is it great...

controls are sooo smooth and intuitive for this game... using a typical button map for those familiar with console shooter games... cross hairs are smooth and dont jump/skip

graphically this game is beast... graphics are excellent... lighting especially... this game is just wow when it comes time to look at it... character models are well designed as are weapons... the levels are just huge and completely interactive and immersive...

sound and voice acting is extremely well suited... characters have a lifelike feel to them... and the effects are well suited for the situations

gameplay is excellent as well... single player has a tom clancy/medal of honor sort of blend... multiplayer sets new levels for console games... effectively halting mine and other people's halo 3 craze... this game offers an array of endgame options for players

i just cant wait for new consoles to be developed sooo i can utilize some johnny wii lee style head tracking for a game like this...

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