Friday, May 2, 2008

Super Smash Bros Brawl

im sure about half the class has done a blog on this one... but i figure i can throw a minor twist on mine since im probably the only person that didnt play SSB-melee...

my room mate picked up this game the day it came out... i was looking forward to it primarily since i hadnt played a smash bros game since N64... we played that game for hours... had some friends over doing FFA for a drinking game... over all pretty enjoi-able...

like most fighting games i get bored rather quickly... this game is similar if not more so in my opinion...

the controls for most of the characters are the same and they lack originality... the few new characters are pretty cool... and the like super smash moves as well...

im mildly let down on the lack of new levels, however the few new ones are pretty awesome, in particular i like the one where its like a comic and shit gets drawn onto the level and it becomes interactive...

the graphics are on par with that of a wii game...

controls are alright with the wiimotes... however i prefer to use the game cube controller...

overall... this game sorta just feels like an expansion to me... not enough like a new game in the sense that its for the wii and doesnt utilize the motion sensoring... the game is fun for a short while but after the initial buyout craving/frenzy dies down... it'll be shelfed until we get a wild hair in our ass when we're drinking...

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